Friday 22 May 2009

Houston SEO SPAM - Houston Search Engine Optimization Spam Comment


A Houston SEO spam comment appeared

What a way to promote houston search engine optimization - roam around the web and looking for do follow blogs and leave irrelavent short unthoughtful comments with the sole aim of getting a juicy back link?

SEO Houston popped by and left the following gem:

The comment left by seo houston spammer followed an article about the G20 summit and its anticipated impact on the issue of climate change. The houston seo spammer thoughtfully added to the discussion - It sounds too good, incredible infomation is considered by this blog. I really loved it.

What a pointless fatuous string of dribble - possibly the work of what seo houston website calls -
using the internet to spread your company visibility
Well seo houston thanks for the contribution optimization we hope that your efforts drive lots of qualified trafic to your site where visitors might just notice that you are "guaranted seo houston" Google qualified

Way to Go Houston Search Engine Optimization Spam-Tastic.


Unknown said...


Houston SEO Dumbass said...

You're such an ignorant deuchebag that you don't see how unimportant this blog, or you, really are...congratulations, dumbass!

We didn't pay someone to do this, it's some idiot overseas just attacking our company because we WON'T hire them. Now, you moron, if you don't take down this page, I WILL sue your retarded ass, amd then I will do far worse.

Akimbo said...

Wow, SEO Houston, you're quite a little spammer yourself. I just got spammed by you today and I don't even know you. You're a real "SEO" huh? (laughs) or rather, more like a stupid and somewhat plain, barely literate Houston SEO Amatuer.

OMG your SEO site looks like the English language just threw up all over it...

So now you're a "on location seo houston guaranteed seo" while working your day job in some Houston seo agency working for a souless corporation as an SEO monkey - Now THAT's a REAL "ROFL!!!"

You're a colon! Not to mention any hope of ever being taken seriously as a "seo" of "houston". Congratulations on all of that. You finally "made it".

Anonymous said...

Well, Legs Akimbo, You must be very lonely and miserable to do this stupid crap with your free time...

SEO Company Houston said...

Thanks for your great post, It is also a green Information with more knowledge I am also like It.